Re: Mars Re:trograde ~ 26 Jun 2018

It’s upon us. The second rarest planet in our solar system to retrograde, Mars, now at a standstill, officially turns retrograde within hours where he will remain in apparent backward motion through August 27th. Apparent, because most celestial objects do not move contrary to the perceived natural motions around the Sun. It’s relative to the Earth’s track around the Sun and our point of view from Earth.

From his current tenure in Aquarius, the self-referential Mars works up a “me vs. them” scenario, whereby a person feels for a fit of individuality in the collective. Mars returns to Capricorn on August 13th where he reminds us of how to restore motivation and high-altitude persistence while traversing the sign of his exaltation. Mars retraces Capricorn through the first week and a half of September when he resumes his navigation of Aquarian waters on September 10th or 11th, depending upon your Earthly location.

Mars does well in Capricorn. The sign he rules, Aries, and Capricorn share high climbing totems - the ram and mountain goat (or perhaps a unicorn in highly enlightened instances). The long upward trek is taken on with enthusiasm and the requisite commitment to duration as Mars mimics the mannerisms of the agile, sure-footed, high climbing goat. Here, though retrograde, Mars realizes the path to the summit may not be a straight line. The terrain may demand a retreat or some resteps to resume the climb with the greatest economy of effort.

There will be those who prescribe no new action during Mars retrograde. While there truly exists reason to pause during Mars retrograde for contemplation and assessment of effort, should mitigating transits prevail - such as the transiting support of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, those transits must override hesitation. True, there could be false starts, early missteps and other hiccups. But major transits must prevail above pesky retrogrades such as Mars, Mercury and Venus.

It is the Mars retrograde nature to dictate a memo for someone else to send: Hold on for a moment. Regroup, recollect, reformulate, repair, restore, reinvigorate, recharge, redo, retool and who knows, potentially regurgitate, all actions taken. Contemplate intended objectives, especially those needing to culminate in the next two to three months. Focus and refine the goals while restoring personal motivation and polishing aspiration to impeccable brilliance. During his retrograde, Mars shines brighter than Jupiter.

Likely there is collective uncertainty out there with Mars retrograde. Impetuousness, impulsiveness and instincts still occur. However, the organic Martian introspection summoned during his reversal can cause some stutter-stepping. Indecision prompts inaction, or clumsy action. Expect a bit of collective chaos. When at a complex intersection during rush hour, notice how anticipation, guessing and safety speculation causes jams. Whereas, cautious start ups, attending to all flanks simultaneously, commences clearing of the road jam and reduces the hindrances of hesitation.

July 26th marks a very critical day in the Mars retrograde era. Here he stands opposite the Sun, conjunct the Earth, marking the virtual midpoint of his retrograde cycle and establishing a day, where should push come to shove, the forces above directly support forward action. Should the times demand action around this date, despite the retrograde, get it going. Of course, some revisitation of the action may be required upon Mars returning prograde and retracing the same zodiacal degrees as when action initiated.

As a bonus we have three eclipses during the Mars retrograde: a solar eclipse in Cancer on July 13, a lunar eclipse on July 27 (Aquarius Moon) and a follow-up solar eclipse in Leo on August 11th. The July 13th eclipse insists upon focus on personal need, fostering and nurturing. The July 27th eclipse encourages taking time to perceive ones reach and impact on their family, community and planet. The August solar eclipse pushes a charged-up, well-intended sort to shine brighter than Mars, Sirius, Canopus and Jupiter and to offer a lighthouse-like beacon to all who gather or take time to perceive.

Another bonus during Mars retrograde is that Mercury cycles through a retrograde within the ephemeral confines of Mars retrograde.

Wait Mars retrograde! Mercury retrograde!? Three eclipses?!? Is it safe to go in the water? Should covers be pulled over the head and should the ostrich be the totem for the cycle? What’s next, Venus retrograde? Yes, actually, but that’s in October and we’ll get to that. For now, manage the M and M’s and remain engaged in life.

Mars retrograde supports a thorough review of actions taken, actions intended and outcomes desired.

Mercury retrograde encourages reconstituting words, messages and hopefully relocating lost objects. On the 26th of July as Mars matches up with the Sun and the Earth in direct aspect, Mercury, in Leo, turns retrograde. On August 8th, the fleet-footed flyer aligns with the Sun, annotating this date as communication critical and the high water mark of the tide of the Mercury reversal. Use the date consciously. Use the midpoint as a date for refining, editing and re-articulating any thought worthy of words. Following words that express original thought, Mars adds the motivation for intentional activity to get the thought propelled toward manifestation.

Fear not, Earthlings! Mars and Mercury are not conspiring to induce chaos. The eclipses hold no intention of unnecessary drama. So if life rolls a huge ball of yarn onto your path, no need to hyperbolize the occurrence. Study it, assess probable outcomes and consciously decide the best string to pull. The transits seek not to tangle, but to weave a tapestry of fine regalia and potent themes that inspire and encourage.

So, using the natural reflection above, pause as required. Get clear, get focused, and before you know it, the getting will get good.

More soon.